Fall Mountain Food Shelf

We rely on the help of our community to help our neighbors in need. Please consider helping our cause by donating below or volunteering your time.
The Fall Mountain Friendly Meals, a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization, consists of three programs: Fall Mountain Food Shelf, Charlestown Food Shelf, and Friendly Meals/Meals on Wheels. All three provide the critical service of making available emergency food supplies to families and individuals in Sullivan, Windsor, Cheshire, Windham counties, and surrounding towns who do not have the means to purchase sufficient nutritious food. There is no charge for any of our services and no one is turned away.
If you are interested in receiving food from the Food Shelf or the Friendly Meals program, please visit our About Us page for details.
Please note: we are closed when the schools are closed. If the weather is bad, please check closings on WMUR TV (Channel 9) or visit wmur.com.

Hours of operation
122 NH Rte 12A
Wed, Fri, Sat
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Charlestown Town Hall
29 Summer Street
Mon, Thu, Fri
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Back Up Volunteers
For the moment we are fortunate to have a reliable full staff of volunteers for the Foodshelf and the Friendly Meals. We are looking for people who would like to be on our backup list for times when our staff needs to take some time off.
Grant Writer
We desperately need someone to help research and apply for grants. This is work that could be done at home.